Aug 5, 2022

Coronavirus information

Updated: Nov 21, 2023

Before visiting /calling/ applying, please check the following page with more information about safety measures at the Institute.

Due to the current COVID-19 situation, the office is closed and staff members are working remotely.

Please note the preferred method of contact with the Institute is email.

Limited staff are available to take calls and we request that you email.

Events, visits and meetings

All gatherings organized at, or by, Institute are cancelled, postponed, or will be held online. We ask that proposed visits and meetings be replaced with videoconferencing, online seminars or through other methods as much as possible, or otherwise be cancelled or postponed. Please discuss these alternatives with the Institute.

We count on your patience and understanding as we update the events on our website with the latest information.

COVID-19 Knowledge Needs to Be Shared Freely, Not Kept Secret by Governments, Corporations.

We need to ensure access to knowledge on COVID-19 for the common good, not solely for the benefit of Corporations, businesses and governments.

We need to share our knowledge to make the most progress in fighting the virus. Knowledge about the various aspects of the Covid- 19 must be public so that their sharing should be facilitated and accelerated.

The role of evidence is crucial for taking wise decision on coronavirus challenge, by diverse stakeholders.

Several communities (scientific, political, social and economic) need relevant data and information to build knowledge on several fronts:

a) search for vaccine and treatment;

b) to avoid infection and manage the spread Covid19 disease;

c) to manage the impact on work, on education, on travel, on trade, on economic and social conditions; d) on government response to Covid 19;

e) to manage fake news, among other challenges.

I've been tested for SARS-CoV-2 and unfortunately, I'm COVID-19 positive. I need to self-isolate because there is a high risk you could spread the virus to other people. I have to stay home at least 10 days since symptoms first appeared.

I had symptoms

High temperature of over 38 C first 2 days

Law temperature of less 36 during 2-3 days

Nasal congestion


Muscle or body aches






Shortness of breath

Loss of taste and smell