Aug 5, 2022

Doctor/ PhD member- Mark Subryan (Canada)

Updated: Nov 29, 2023

Ph.D. Journalism

Sheffield Hallam University, UK 2015 - 2021

MA, International Journalism, Distinction

Sheffield Hallam University, UK 2014 - 2015

Diploma, Journalism, with honours,

Humber College, UK

1996 - 1999

Postgraduate mentor, Sheffield Hallam University, UK

2015 to Present

As postgraduate mentor, he participates in induction ceremonies twice a year (September and January) to help counsel and guide new postgraduate students, many of whom were international students. I provide guidance on how students can assimilate to the university and life in the UK.

Culture Connect mentor, Sheffield Hallam University

2014 to 2016

He was a member of a one-to-one mentorship group at the university aimed at fostering relationships with students from around the world.


Subryan, M. & Trifanova-Price, L. (2020), Deer in the headlights: Towards an understanding of how journalism students engage with complex academic research methods modules. The Media Education Research Journal.

This paper was based on an in-house research project aimed at understanding how university students, who take vocational programmes such as journalism, engage with traditional academic research methods.

Pending Publications

Subryan, M.

Knock, Knock: Understanding how UK print journalists defend the death knock practice

This paper will examine how journalists make sense of the death knock practice. This paper will answer the question how do journalists position themselves in order to validate the death knock practice?

Subryan, M.

In defence of news values: A case study of how a UK print journalist defended paying sources for information in the name of the public interest

This paper will be an examination of how critical discourse analysis can be used as a research methodology in order to make sense of a variety of meta-discourse journalists hold with themselves and the public.