Oct 1, 2022

Investing in People, Transforming Communities: Human Capital Results in Africa

Updated: Nov 15, 2022

Investing in People, Transforming Communities: Human Capital Results in Africa will launch the Africa Human Capital Plan Year Three Progress Report, which provides an update on progress towards achieving Africa human capital targets and goals by 2023 that were set when the Plan was launched in 2019.

The event will highlight results stories and interventions from World Bank crises response and recovery efforts, including the unveiling of a virtual field visit showcasing four human capital projects in three countries (Kenya, Madagascar and Rwanda), and the Western and Central Africa Education Strategy, both demonstrating examples of successful programs that can be duplicated, helping countries and governments prioritize people and build a more sustainable, inclusive, and resilient future.

Participants will have the chance to hear from local actors, including stakeholders such as parliamentarians, CSO representatives, and faith leaders, about their contributions to the projects and the realization of improved human capital results in their countries.

The World Bank Group Event

October 6, 2022 9:00-11:00 AM EST: Streaming in Arabic, English, French, and Spanish