Aug 5, 2022

Modalities of the participation in the Ad Hoc Committee

Modalities of the participation of multi-stakeholders1 in the Ad Hoc Committee to Elaborate a Comprehensive International Convention on Countering the use of Information and Communication Technologies for Criminal Purposes

Representatives of multi-stakeholders may participate in the Ad Hoc Committee work, as observers, without the right to vote. Such participation does not entail negotiation and drafting roles, which are exclusive prerogatives of Member States.

The participation of multi-stakeholders will consist of the following:

(a) Attending any open formal sessions of the Ad Hoc Committee;

(b) Depending on the availability of the time, they may make oral statements, at the end of discussions by Member States, on each substantive agenda item, Given the limited time available at the meetings, multi-stakeholders may consider selecting among themselves spokespersons, in a balanced and transparent way, taking into account equitable geographic representation, gender parity and diversity of participating multi-stakeholders;

(c) Submitting written materials. Such submissions should be limited to 2,000 words. The submissions will be posted, in their original language, on the website of the Ad Hoc Committee.

In the intersessional period, the Chair will organize consultations with the multi-stakeholders to take stock of their inputs. A report in English on these consultations will be published on the website of the Ad Hoc Committee; the translation into other UN official languages is subject to the availability of documentation entitlements allocated to the Committee.