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Membership Categories, Requirements, Guidelines & Declarations

Science Council


The Council is an independent body composed by scientists from across the globe advising the Institute about high-priority scientific issues that could impact public diplomacy.

At least 75 percent of its members should be from academic fields other than public diplomacy.

Minimum requirements

  • Ph.D. degree

  • Professional experience

  • Scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals

  • Continuing Professional Development Requirements

  • Annual Fees- 0

  • Eligible countries: as described in the Reg.

  • Members will not be remunerated for their services

  • English proficiency is not required for admission to membership



Minimum requirements:

  • A university degree

  • Professional experience

  • Publications

  • Continuing Professional Development Requirements

  • Annual Fees- 0

  • Eligible countries: as described in the Reg.

  • Members will not be remunerated for their services.

  • English proficiency is not required for admission to membership

Volunteer Professor

Minimum requirements

  • Ph.D. degree

  • Professional experience

  • Scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals

  • Continuing Professional Development Requirements

  • Annual Fees- 0

  • Eligible countries: as described in the Reg.

  • Members will not be remunerated for their services.

  • English proficiency is not required for admission to membership

External experts

Our work on global issues requires the assistance of external experts.

Minimum requirements

  • Non-voting membership class.

  • No continuing education requirements.

  • Not required to pay dues

  • Declarations of Interest

  • Experts will not be remunerated for their services.

  • English proficiency is not required for admission to membership

To avoid English predominance that can potentially limit or even exclude the non-English-speaking populace from contributing to SDG, and ensure that our work helps to stimulate debate rather than limiting it, the Institute develops valid instruments, that may increase the representation of non-English-speaking members and stakeholders in public diplomacy.

About Membership Process

Before you apply please carefully read the tasks involved and ensure you meet the requirements. Individual exceptions to the above qualifications shall be made at the discretion of the Committee.

As part of this application, you will be asked to upload electronic documents in support of your application relevant to the level of membership applied for.
There are four possible outcomes to your application:
Your membership and level are approved
Your membership is approved but at a different level than you applied for
You are asked to supply more information in support of your application
Your membership application is declined.

Applicants will be reviewed by the  Membership Committee and recommended candidates will be presented for approval by the Director.

By becoming a Member, you agree to be bound by the Articles and By-Laws of The Institute. 

 If your Pre-Registration Online Form is pre-approved by Membership Committee, an email will be sent asking you to submit your CV and photo.

 If your application is accepted, before joining the Institute as a member, you will be asked to sign the Application form stating that you have read, understood and agree to be bound by the Articles and By-Laws of the Institute.

Successful applicants will receive a membership package by e-mail with an invoice and forms to be returned. Once these forms have been sent back to and payment has been received, we will confirm your membership by sending you a Diploma of membership. 

If you wish to cancel your membership of the Institut you must inform us of your intention to cancel in writing by email to

Membership Requirements

The eligibility criteria include:

  • expert knowledge and competency in areas related to sustainable development, IR, PR

  • demonstration over time of their competence and commitment to work in collaboration with the Institute

  • understanding of intergovernmental decision-making processes, and in particular of intergovernmental sustainable development processes

  • time to perform the required tasks unpaid, including participation in events.

All institute’s members should:

  • adhere to the Terms of Reference of the Institute,

  •  respect the intergovernmental nature of International Organisations and the decision-making authority of Member States as set out in their Constitutions.

All members are strictly prohibited from engaging in lobbying and political influencing activity on behalf of the Institute unless specific and prior authorization has been granted by the Director.
We are monitoring activity to ensure that it is conducted in a transparent and accountable manner and that it does not undermine the democratic process or violate human rights.

Removal or Suspension

A member may be suspended or removed due to any of the following reasons:

Disciplinary actions

Membership may be suspended or canceled by order of the Disciplinary Committee as a result of a disciplinary finding under the IPD Complaint and Disciplinary Process.

Non-compliance with the IPD requirements.

We encourage our members to contribute regularly to maintain their membership status. 

A notable lack of engagement may result in membership being terminated. 

Members who had not responded to the Institute despite repeated communications will be considered as “non-compliant” with the IPD requirements.

Non-renewal of membership in accordance with Article 20 of the Institute’s Constitution.


Under the Institute Rules, a member who does not wish to continue his membership may apply in writing to the Chief Executive Officer to resign from the membership. Such applications are subject to the Council’s approval. Upon approval by the Council, the member will receive confirmation and his name will be removed from the IPD Register of Members.

Maintain your membership.

Annual CPD declaration
To maintain your membership you’ll need to submit an annual IPD declaration, showing what IPD activities you've undertaken during the year. You can find this form in your My Account. 
Find out how to submit your annual CPD declaration.

Continuing professional development (CPD)

Browse our catalogue of events and online learning with the CPD resource finder. 

Self-Assessment Online Examinations

Inactive Members

Member Support

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Membership Guidelines

Member Declaration

The Institute prides itself on the high standards and competence of its members.

Our reputation, and the reputation of our members, depends on these standards being maintained by all.
In joining the Institute, and in renewing your membership, you agree to the following terms and conditions:
You are aware of Institut’s Memorandum and Articles of Association, its Standing Orders, the Institut Code of Conduct and all other rules, regulations and guidance that may be issued by the Institute from time to time.
You agree to abide by these, which together are referred to as the ‘Rules’.
You confirm and acknowledge that if you breach any of the Rules, disciplinary action may be taken against you, which may result in a sanction being imposed that may affect your membership, and that any sanctions and information relating to an investigation can be published in accordance with our Publications Policy.
You confirm that no prior or current criminal and regulatory proceedings have been brought against you by any authority and that you will notify the Institute should you become the subject of any criminal, regulatory or disciplinary investigation 
When you submit your application for membership, you consent to the Institute carrying out a background check as deemed necessary. 
The laws of England and Wales govern this Agreement and the parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts. Your application will be considered by the  Membership Committee (and its representatives) to determine your suitability for membership. You agree to provide the Institute with further information about the nature of any results if requested to do so. We may also contact other organisations to which applicants belong or have belonged and/or other authorities to obtain further information.
You agree to keep your contact details up to date to enable the Institute to contact you about issues pertaining to your membership. 

Laws and regulations
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Membership Forms

The applications must have been signed through a handwritten signature to avoid future questions regarding the validity.


Record Your Continuing Professional Development

As part of your Annual Return, the Institute asks you to self-certify that you have met your CPD requirements for that year.

CPD is the mandatory requirement to maintain and develop skills and competencies necessary to carry out public diplomacy activities (PDA) competently and demonstrate commitment to work in collaboration with the Institute.

Any activity that increases your knowledge, skills and ability to do your PDA can be included as CPD.

Declarations of Interest

Our work on global issues requires the assistance of members and external experts who may have interests related to their expertise. 
To ensure integrity and public confidence in its activities, the Institute requires that those serving in an advisory role disclose any circumstances that could give rise to a potential conflict of interest related to the subject of the activity in which they will be involved.

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