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Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has been working with civil society since it was founded. Over the decades, the size, scope, and capacity of civil society around the world have increased dramatically and so did the OECD’s engagement. It helps ensure that stakeholders’ views are factored into the OECD’s work and OECD analyses are stronger when they include the perspectives of civil society organisations (CSOs).

At the Institute, we believe that engaging with the OECD helps improve our impact on society.
With our subject-matter expertise and field experience, public diplomats bring vital knowledge to help advance policy change.

How can public diplomacy practitioners get involved in OECD's work?

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Regular consultations

Regular consultations, held by many OECD directorates regarding the development or review of OECD work. Online consultations have broadened public participation in OECD’s work, but many discussions involve both meetings and web tools. CSOs are also active at every stage in implementing and monitoring products of the OECD’s work.



Conferences and workshops

Conferences and workshops are convened both at the OECD and around the world to elicit stakeholders’ opinions on issues ranging from education and development to corporate governance and taxation (see our upcoming events calendar).


Annual OECD Forum

The annual OECD Forum, held in Paris, is a multi-stakeholder gathering, increasingly prominent on the global calendar, that brings together the broader stakeholder community, government ministers and leaders of international organisations to discuss the key issues of the moment and to feed those discussions and conclusions into the annual OECD ministerial meeting

By participating in the OECD events, we intend to contribute to a reform process that ultimately leads to a system of global governance that is more democratic, coherent and effective. 
The Institute aims to bring relevant data, perspectives and contributions from public diplomacy community to the OECD and encourages members to bring their contributions regarding key issues under discussion in the OECD.
Doctor/Ph.D. Members and Professional Members of the Institute are invited to express interest in participating in OCDE events.


Selection criteria for members to represent the Institute at conferences

When reviewing the application forms, the Institute considers a number of primary and secondary selection criteria outlined below.
Primary selection criteria
Applicant is a Doctor/PhD member or a Professional member of the Institute for at least one year;
Applicant has demonstrated experience in the fields related to conference;
Once these primary criteria are determined, a number of secondary considerations are factored into the final selections. 
Secondary selection criteria

  • Participation in previous programmes

  • Funding

As a rule, participants are required to fund their own participation in the conferences, except for the virtual events which are provided free of charge. 

  • Gender diversity

  • Geographical diversity

Explore our latest participation in OCDE events

November 2023 – (Paris), Ngozi Franca Okoye, PhD participated in the OECD conference which took place at the OECD headquarters in Paris as a delegate from the Institut de Diplomatie Publique.

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