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Major Groups & Minorities

Effective implementation of international agreements requires public diplomacy practitioners and various actors to work together and strengthen their collaborative and integrated approaches with major groups and other stakeholders. 
For the contributions of non-state actors towards the successful implementation of agreements to be meaningful and useful, capacity development is required to enhance their knowledge of processes and procedures for engagement. 
Both public diplomats and stakeholders require access to information to fully understand their roles and mechanisms that can be used to engage effectively with one another, governments and international organizations.

For the inclusion of under-represented and minority groups in international relations, it is crucial to understand 

  • which stakeholders are at risk of being excluded 

  • what are the specific opportunities and barriers to their inclusion.

Stakeholder Engagement Mechanism through Public Diplomacy

General Assembly resolution 70/1 recognized the need to engage major groups and other relevant stakeholders in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, including in the review processes. 
In this regard, state and non-state actors were called upon, in the context of an enhanced global partnership, to achieve the ambitious SDGs and targets.

Major groups and other stakeholders have been actively working towards the achievement of the SDGs through initiatives, knowledge-sharing, advocacy and monitoring of the 2030 Agenda.

One of the key goals of non-state stakeholders is to engage in intergovernmental decision and policy-making processes through access to intergovernmental processes and events.

The Institute creates an open and structured avenue for close engagement of stakeholders in the implementation of the SDGs through public diplomacy.

Any voluntary contribution, in the form of expertise, materials and innovative solutions will increase our capacity and resources to support non-state actors in undertaking the transformation required to meet the goals of the SDGs and carry out outreach.

Targeted Stakeholder Groups



Who are minorities under international law?

There is no internationally agreed definition as to who is a minority. 

  • The existence of a minority carries both objective factors (such as the existence of a shared ethnicity, language or religion) and

  • subjective factors (including that individuals must identify themselves as belonging to a minority group).

We aim to strengthen inclusion by giving voice to the minorities and vulnerable populations, promoting

  • accountability,

  • transparency

  • responsiveness,

  • engaging in capacity-building activities,

  • sharing experiences and knowledge.

Major Groups

What are the Major Groups under international law?

Sustainable development requires the active participation of all sectors of society and all types of people. Agenda 21, adopted at the Earth Summit, formalized nine sectors of society as the main channels through which broad participation would be facilitated in UN activities related to sustainable development.
These are officially called "Major Groups" and include the following sectors:

  • Women

  • Children and Youth

  • Indigenous Peoples

  • Non-Governmental Organizations

  • Local Authorities

  • Workers and Trade Unions

  • Business and Industry

  • Scientific and Technological Community

  • Farmers

Other stakeholders

What are other stakeholders under international law?

The outcome document "The Future We Want" highlighted the role that Major Groups can play in pursuing sustainable societies for future generations. In addition, governments invited other stakeholders, including

  • local communities,

  • volunteer groups and foundations,

  • migrants and families,

  • older persons and

  • persons with disabilities,

to participate in the processes related to sustainable development, which can be done through close collaboration with the Major Groups.

The Institute aims to strengthen the capacity of underrepresented stakeholders to articulate inputs to the review of progress in implementing the 2030 Agenda at regional and global levels.

The Institute helps make international action taken by non-state actors more visible in the international arena and improves the coherency of non-state actors’ response to global issues, respecting state sovereignty while seeking to improve efficiency through consultation and networking.


The Institute gives special attention to stakeholders who are the most vulnerable and at risk of not being given an opportunity to share their expectations and opinions throughout the intergovernmental processes. This targeted approach increases understanding of who and why is under-served or vulnerable, and their needs. 

Analyzing the data

Data Collection and
Stakeholder Identification

Robust data collection methods enable specific underrepresented groups to be identified; and allow decision-makers to be more targeted in the formulation of policy.

Institute for public diplomacy

Stakeholder Engagement

Inclusive stakeholder engagement is a process that specifically targets and considers the opinions of stakeholders at risk of being excluded or under-served. 


Stakeholder Empowerment

 Empowering underrepresented stakeholders means giving them a voice in the stakeholder process to influence the decisions and actions that affect them.

Stakeholder empowerment may be through access to information, resources, capabilities or institutional change

The Institute has developed the conceptual framework model to spur stakeholder engagement in intergovernmental processes.
This model offers an innovative approach to non-state actor participation in international policymaking processes, allowing previously ad-hoc mechanisms for stakeholder engagement in policy development and decision-making to become an innovative method of solutions to key global issues.

Our work

Our work includes:

  • Consultation with members, and networks to prepare inputs addressing themes of specific intergovernmental processes related to sustainable development

  • Organizing and disseminating information on Major Groups and intergovernmental processes and activities related to sustainable development

  • Consultation with members and networks to identify participants able to serve on their sector's delegation

  • Providing and developing process understanding so that Major Groups will be able to maximize their presence at international organizations in accordance with the official engagement practices and procedures

  • Providing guidance and find expertise to develop policy positions representing the best from the Major Groups constituencies relevant to the agenda points of the specific processes

  • Facilitating the participation of representatives of their respective sectors throughout intergovernmental meetings and sessions, working in collaboration with other stakeholders and Major Group sector representatives

Please note that Member States ultimately decide upon the modalities of participation of non-state stakeholders. Thus, the engagement and participation of non-state stakeholders in intergovernmental processes varies depending on the particular topic under discussion.

Delegate preparation and planning position papers

In order to adequately represent the Institut de diplomatie publique during the conference, a delegate will need to interact with delegates representing other countries, Major Groups, or other stakeholders.

Knowing their viewpoints and policies that will be represented will help delegates from the Institute predict what will be said during the debate phase of the conference. This will be very useful in helping delegates identify who will be in agreement with their position and which ones will be opposed. In addition, it will help them decide in advance where it might be useful to seek cooperation.
A delegate should be well-versed on the topic they will be debating.
Research on the policies of other stakeholders that will be represented at the conference so that they can anticipate the arguments that might be put forward by other stakeholders.


Select Conference and express interest

Select event
Express interest

First round interview

The Institute regularly receives special accreditations for global events.
To participate in an event listed on this site, look for the link for the event of your interest on the Events page.

Selection criteria

  • Primary selection criteria

  • Secondary selection criteria

Selection criteria for members to represent the Institute at conferences
Pre-recorded video interview

We’re using automated pre-recorded interviews to pre-screen applicants. Applicants record answers to pre-recorded questions. Unlike in-person or video interviews, pre-recorded interviews are unscheduled and can be done at a time that best suits the applicant.

When reviewing the application forms and pre-recorded interviews, the Institute considers a number of primary and secondary selection criteria outlined below.
Primary selection criteria

  • The applicant is a Doctor/Ph.D. member or a Professional member of the Institute for at least one year;

  • The applicant has demonstrated experience in the fields related to a conference;

Once these primary criteria are determined, a number of secondary considerations are factored into the final selections. 
Secondary selection criteria

  • Participation in previous programmes 

  • Funding . As a rule, participants are required to fund their own participation in the conferences, except for the virtual events which are provided free of charge. 

  • Gender diversity

  • Geographical diversity

Pre-Approval, Registration and Confirmation


  • After pre-approval, you will receive a signed letter from the Institute on letterhead indicating that you are approved to represent Institut de diplomatie publique at the event.​

  • You must attach this letter for registration.

  • Once the relevant organizers have approved your application, you will receive confirmation of your participation in the conference.

After the event 
Write your post event report (event summary) and add your notes about the conference to Database for your colleagues to read and learn from!​

Establishing position papers by the Institute

Our joint work aims to develop common practical steps in planning, preparing, and publishing position papers endorsed by the Institute.

What is a Position Paper?

A position paper (PP) is a paper in which the Institute sets out its position on a set of topics. A PP is a statement on a particular aspect of knowledge by a representative group of experts in that area. 
PPs are a critical part of preparing for conferences.
As opposed to a working paper or a resolution, which are written during the conference and reflect the work and thoughts of parties working together, a PP is written previous to a conference and specifically reflects the position and actions of a single stakeholder.

For each topic, the position paper should provide a succinct policy statement representing the relevant views of stakeholders.
We should establish what the key issues are for each topic and identify and address international conventions, treaties, declarations, resolutions, and other precedents that are relevant topics.
the topic topic thus far. 
You should also include recommendations for action to be taken in addressing the topic moving forward.

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